PGCC Winter 2003 Calendar

Bible Study (Thursdays, 7pm ET)
”From Fearful to Faithful”
Begins Jan 26
Meet us on Zoom
Get your books on Amazon!
- Book 1: “The Evidence of Things Not Seen” (novel)
- Book 2: “The Evidence of Things Not Seen” (workbook)

Morning Devotion (Mon/Wed/Fri, 6:15-6:30am)
PGCC Prayer Warriors
Begins Jan 23
Meet us on Zoom (audio only; no cameras)
Audio only; No Camera
Meeting ID: 821 5065 9145; Passcode: 263262
One tap mobile (telephone dial in)
+16469313860, 82150659145#, *263262# US
+13017158592, 82150659145#, *263262# US (Washington DC)
Find your local number:

Sunday Service

Livestream begins at 10:00am here and on Facebook

This Sunday

Recent Service